2020-07-03 Self Publishing (freedom)
2016-07-09 Food, Inc (vegan)
2016-07-03 Entwined (vegan)
2016-04-09 There is No Sugar Conspiracy (nutrition)
2016-03-20 Valuing human labor in the machine age (economics, futurism)
2016-03-18 On Processed Foods (nutrition)
2016-03-13 Circus Protest (activism)
2014-09-25 10 Reasons Not to Give Animals Rights (animal rights, vegan)
2014-09-25 Why Vegans Lose Debates (vegan)
2014-02-04 Cryptocat Custom Server with Apache (sysadmin)
2013-09-30 Why Animals Matter (animal rights, vegan)
2013-09-13 Star Trek is Vegan (vegan)
2013-05-25 The Trouble with Ripple (bitcoin)
2012-12-16 Slaughter of the Innocent (animal rights, freedom, vegan)
2012-12-14 getting what you want, robot-style (futurism)
2012-11-29 eating animals -- why still do it? (vegan)
2012-07-14 raw foods - first experiences (nutrition)
2016-03-13 Circus Protest
2012-12-16 Slaughter of the Innocent
2013-09-30 Why Animals Matter
2014-09-25 10 Reasons Not to Give Animals Rights
2013-05-25 The Trouble with Ripple
2016-03-20 Valuing human labor in the machine age
2012-12-16 Slaughter of the Innocent
2020-07-03 Self Publishing
2012-12-14 getting what you want, robot-style
2016-03-20 Valuing human labor in the machine age
2012-07-14 raw foods - first experiences
2016-03-18 On Processed Foods
2016-04-09 There is No Sugar Conspiracy
2014-02-04 Cryptocat Custom Server with Apache
2012-11-29 eating animals -- why still do it?
2012-12-16 Slaughter of the Innocent
2013-09-13 Star Trek is Vegan
2013-09-30 Why Animals Matter
2014-09-25 Why Vegans Lose Debates
2014-09-25 10 Reasons Not to Give Animals Rights
2016-07-03 Entwined
2016-07-09 Food, Inc